Sling Slam 2024 Results!

Sling Slam 2024 was a big success.. The skills in this community are astonishing, and this contest continues to push the limits with talented contenders from around the world showing up and presenting the state of the art. It's pretty incredible to see how far things have come since we first started running the contest back in 2019. But what really makes the event so incredible is the broad participation of members of the community showing up, supporting one another through views, likes, and comments, and contributing themselves to the overall event. This year we once again had record participation numbers, including a ton of first-time posters, which is always awesome to see. 

I want to give a special thanks to our judges for this year, who volunteered their time to carefully go through all the entries, giving each thorough consideration before shortlisting and carefully scoring the top entries. This takes a lot of time and psychic energy, so let' send a bit of love to our pals: 

In order to facilitate entries via platforms other than Instagram this year, and to make sure we don't miss entries that fall through the cracks of the IG hashtag handling, Rusty was good enough to create an optional online form this year for folks to log their entries. The consolidated results and summary of winners can be found on these sheets here. Your champions for 2024 are listed below. 

Begleri Link to Clip
1.) @keitxro_ 1st Place
2.) @1021z_ani 2nd Place
3.) @dorezzzz

3rd Place

MKUltras Link to Clip
1.) @b.e.v.l 1st Place
2.) @zmtblv 2nd Place 

3rd Place

Knucklebone Link to Clip
1.) @edoardo_geraci_apoplettico 1st Place
1.) @lanlanmilove 1st Place
3.) @pureknuckleart 3rd Place
Chetki Link to Clip
1.) @zmtblv 1st Place
2.) @wowwowwubbzy00 2nd Place
3.) 3rd Place
Coins Link to Clip
1.) @carryandflow 1st Place
2.) @b.e.v.l 2nd Place
3.) @silgma 3rd Place
Rings Link to Clip
1.) @dexterous_lab 1st Place
2.) @carrotcat227 2nd Place
3.) @carryandflow 3rd Place


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