Introduction to Aroundsquare Products

Introduction to Aroundsquare Products

Aroundsquare produces an eclectic range of unusual goods for your daily dealings. Our distinctive products include everyday carry items, skill toys, stationary, jewelry, clothing, and many more intriguing items that are simply hard to classify. We work in premium materials, ranging from precious metals like platinum, to timeless favourites like titanium, copper, and much more.

Introduction to Aroundsquare's more esoteric product lines...

Begleri Aroundsquare Titans Hardcore Ultem


Begleri is a remarkable little carry item that originated in Greece. The beads can be flipped around to perform endless tricks and patterns. Aroundsquare has been instrumental in the development of the modern begleri community around the world, and is dedicated to continuing to advance this emergent art form. Our begleri are broadly recognized as the best available, with premium materials and playable, sophisticated designs. Our video collaboration with Kuma Films has over 4.5M views on YouTube.

[video link] [product link]

Available materials: titanium; zirconium; mokume gane; zircuti; copper; brass; bronze; stainless steel; aluminum; delrin; and a variety of mixed material sets

Knucklebones Aroundsquare Slimini


Knucklebones are an Aroundsquare original, a design developed decades ago, which was first introduced commercially in 2017, and quickly spawned a whole new category of “knuckle rollers”. Our knucklebones are simple carry items which serve the function of worry stone or fidget device, while taking it much further as playable art. With practice, the kbones can be rolled fluidly through the fingers.  The clean, ergonomic design makes it suitable for almost any setting, as it can be played very discretely.

[video link] [product link]

Available materials: 24k platinum; sterling silver; zirconium; mokume gane; zircuti; titanium; copper; brass; stainless steel; delrin; beech; maple; purple heart; walnut; ebony; acrylic

Deadeye Coin Damascus Aroundsquare

Deadeye Coins

Aroundsquare’s Deadeyes are a range of sleekly designed coins developed specifically for manipulation, including knuckle rolling, sleight of hand, and contact juggling inspired tricks. Our Deadeyes serve well as worry stones, but for those with restless hands the Deadeyes offer much more through skill progression and creative expression. Since their introduction in 2019, the Deadeyes have become a staple of our lineup, and have helped establish a whole new style of coin manipulation known as “contact coin”.

[video link] [product link]

Available materials: titanium; zirconium; mokume gane; zircuti; copper; brass; stainless steel; aluminum; delrin

MKUltras Aroundsquare Mala Komboloi Ultem


Aroundsquare’s MKUltras are our take on modern wearable beads, a mashup of traditional Greek komboloi and Asian mala beads. The Ultras can be worn on the wrist, but are also designed as a mindfulness tool, and are playable in a variety of ways, through simple bead counting, raindrops, and more sophisticated wraps and rolls. Since their introduction, they’ve become one of our most popular lines, due to their versatility and accessibility. These are offered in a variety of bead shapes, lengths, and configurations. [video link] [product link]

Available materials: titanium; zirconium; mokume gane; zircuti; copper; brass; stainless steel; aluminum; acrylic; jade bodhi seed; and several wooden models


Perikidnye chetki are a unique approach to playable art that originated in Russia. Adapted from a linear orthodox rosary, flipping chetki first became popular in Russian prisons, where looped rosaries were not permitted. Over time, new secular styles emerged, developed solely for flipping. Aroundsquare’s Remeshok chetki bring our minimalist aesthetic and modern materials to this art form, for a unique and highly attractive carry item which can also be worn on the wrist.

[video link] [product link]

Available materials: titanium; brass; Delrin (POM)


Dubulo is another Aroundsquare original design—a highly versatile skill toy that can be played in a variety of different styles. The toy, marketed previously as Monkey Knuckles, consists of two sliding balls on a long cord, with counterweighted ends. In the mid-2010s, the toy was licensed to yo-yo distributor Yomega Corp., and had broad distribution for several years, resulting in substantial customer recognition. Our video with Kuma Films, Simple Toy, Endless Possibilities, has over 1.2M view on YouTube. [video link] [product link]

Available materials: Delrin (POM); beech wood; maple/ walnut; maple/ purple heart

And our more commonplace everyday items...


With our expertise in machined metal manufacturing, and our love for all things analogue, Aroundsquare launched into stationary in 2019, with the introduction of our iconic K-OS pens. The self-proclaimed King of Scribble has received high praise from customers, and is being followed in 2022 with the introduction of a line of sophisticated notebooks, and a matching fountain pen. [product link]

Available materials: titanium; copper; brass; stainless steel; aluminum; Delrin (POM)

Aroundsquare Banzhi Wenwan

Jewelry and Accessories

Much of our product line could be rightly classified as accoutrements. While most of our products are playable manipulatives, many are also wearable as accessories, including as pendants, wristwear, or hung from belt loops. In addition, we have a growing line of dedicated jewelry, including our very popular Normal Rings, a chunky but comfortable update on the comfort fit band. [product link]

Available materials: 24k platinum; sterling silver; tungsten; zirconium; Damascus steel; titanium; copper; brass; stainless steel


Since 2020, Aroundsquare has been producing its own custom cut and sewn clothing. Our first garment, our Ordinary Slacks, were designed to fill a gap in the market. The design was honed over years of experimentation to arrive at a clean, contemporary style, uncomplicated yet highly versatile. The pants were followed shortly by a complementary cotton vest, and subsequently a matching chore coat. Our range is complemented by premium wool vests, and cashmere sweaters. [product link]



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