ao2's 2020 lockdown design contests
- We're running two design contests until the end of March 2020.
- One is a for a logo/ sticker design, using any aroundsquare brand elements.
- The other is for a new 3D printable hardcore-compatible begleri bead.
- Prizes for both are $100 store credit.
- Submit entries in .jpeg and .stl to mattataroundsquaredotcom by March 31.
ao2's 2020 lockdown design contests
These are crazy times. As much of the world moves to lockdown over COVID-19 concerns, things we have been looking forward to are being cancelled or postponed, and we ourselves are being asked to practice social distancing or even self isolation. There's weird stuff going on with financial markets, and there are a lot of legitimate health concerns. Whether you're in an geographic area or in a demographic group that's higher risk or lower risk for serious illness, we all have a part to play in keeping ourselves and each other healthy. Please take care of your health, physical and mental. It sucks to be sick--any kind of sick.. and it sucks to be a vector and pass any-kind-of-sick on to others.
So, here at AO2 HQ, we got to thinking.. We have a thriving online community with a ton of super-creative folks. Lots of these folks are gonna be cooped up a bit at home. So, what could we do to get people engaged and create some positive outlet during this challenging time. Apart from the usual hangin' out on the internet, connecting on social media, posting clips and learning tricks, we figured we could host a little contest, or two. Here's details.
Logo/ Sticker Design
You know we love a good logo, and we change it up a LOT. Aroundsquare, as a brand, has a lot to work with.. lots of options with the geometry, the lettering, the style, and so on, and we play around with all of these elements in our product branding. Here's your invitation to mess around with the ideas and come up with an original logo design. For a bit of inspiration from our friends, check out top left from Chris @chainheart._ and bottom right from Brandon @_borntohang_ Winning entry will get $100 store credit, and assuming we love the design and you give us permission, we'll plan to do a run of stickers with it too! Feel free to post online, but ALSO, email me directly matt@aroundsquare.com with subject line LOGO CONTEST by March 31st to enter.
Hardcore Shell Design
I know you've dreamed up begleri shapes in your heads before. Come on, be honest. Kk, so here's your chance. I'd like to make some more hardcore compatible 3D printable files available on the AO2 site, so please design around the idea of a shell that houses any of our hardcore beads. To do this, make the bottom bore 12mm deep, and 12mm diameter, with a 4mm top bore, and we should be good to go! For a little inspiration from our friends, check out top right 8-bit begleri by Andreas P., and bottom left AO2 Micro Lanterns by Sam @sam_gyd_tau_zero_begleri If you're able to navigate any of the 3D design programs out there, just punch out an .stl file and send it in to me by email matt@aroundsquare.com with subject line HARDCORE CONTEST. Deadline is March 31st. Winning entry will get $100 store credit, and assuming we love the design and you give us permission, we'll plan to post the winning design up on our website for free download.
NOTE: If you're the type of person that is gonna try to sue me in the future for "copying" your submission, please don't enter. This is just an initiative to try to get people's creativity firing, and to generate some cool content for the community. We love to give credit where credit is due, but let's just say all submissions become property of Aroundsquare so that there's no misunderstanding.